Thursday, June 2, 2011

Linux commands

Some helpful Linux commands at a glance that I found across a website.

ps =  all running processes
ps axu = all running processes on your machine
fg PID = bring background process to foreground
bg PID = send process to background
lpc = printers
lpq = printer queue
lprm = remove job from printer
telnet server = connect using TELNET. Use machine name or IP address
rlogin server = remote login
rsh server
ftp server =good for copying files from / to remote machine
                get : get from remote to local machine
                put : put from local to remote machine
                mget/mput : get or put many files at once
tar -zxvf filename.tar.gz = untar a tarred and COMPRESSED file
tar -xvf filename.tar       = untar a tarred and UNCOMPRESSED file